Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Gracious are You?

by Jan Janzen

It´s easy to be in a good mood when things are going well. It´s natural to be polite when people are polite to you. And it´s a piece of cake to live from spiritual principles when you´re “in the zone”.

I also know that there are times when I am what I call “consciously unconscious” and I don´t give a damn. Those are the times when I know I am being stubborn, selfish, judgmental and even though I know it; I´m not open to changing. It´s those times when I realize how far I still have to go in my own spiritual development. Perhaps you know only too intimately what I am talking about.

It´s why I continue to admire the people here in Guatemala. The only word that even comes close to describing them is gracious. I have never described any culture as gracious but it seems the most appropriate in describing these absolutely beautiful people.

Gracious means pleasantly kind, polite, benevolent, gentle and courteous. Despite very hard living conditions, poverty that is painful at times to see, a government that is totally corrupt, an economy that is suffering severely from lack of tourists this year, the people continue to genuinely smile, offer you a hand, accept your assistance with gratitude and openly welcome you into their country and homes.

With so many people today in developed countries experiencing hardships that they have never before endured, it´s easy to have a “poor me” attitude. One can feel warranted to complain about the lack, the problems, the economy and the hardships. However, as much as one can feel justified to complain, to be consciously unconscious, it doesn’t solve the problems. I know. I´ve done plenty of it over the years and it wasn´t what brought me peace, joy, or happiness, that´s for sure.

It´s why being surrounded by people, many who have nothing in comparison to what we enjoy in other parts of the world, are a great example of finding joy in everyday life, in the little things.

There isn´t a morning when I wake up, that I don´t look at the blue sky, the lake and the volcanoes around me and thank God for another gorgeous day. The succulent papaya, the wholesome bread that is beyond delicious, the eggs that come from chickens that have the run of the house and yard, the unique bird songs that fill the air and the warmth of the sun are all pretty basic things in life – even in Guatemala. But not one of them goes unnoticed by me here. Could you possibly begin appreciating the little things in your life more?

It´s easy to feel relaxed, benevolent, be polite and kind here because the atmosphere supports it. It´s not always this easy everywhere, is it? Sometimes it's way easier to feel the fear, worry, anxiety and the doubts.

So what do you do when you aren´t feeling so gracious but are headed down the path of being consciously unconscious and not giving a damn? What do you do when you´re feeling tired, cross and snarky?

It´s when I stop and breathe. It´s when I stop and decide if this is how I want to be living my life. It´s when I stop, just for a second, and make a choice about where I am headed. And I ask myself a couple of important questions: Will I regret what I am about to say or will I be proud of myself after the fact? And will these thoughts and words lead me to the place of peace, joy and graciousness that I wish to live from? The answer is usually a resounding "no" which now gives me an opportunity to choose a different way of being.

I know that many people feel that the North American way of life is the most desired way of life. Unfortunately, even here in Guatemala with the introduction of American snack food, jeans and modern technology, it is evident that they are striving for what we have in the developed world. And really when you see women like the photo above carrying wood for fires they will build in their homes to cook their tortillas on, it is easy to see why the “easier” lifestyle of a developed country would seem most desirable.

However, I am not convinced that there isn’t a lot we can´t learn from the simpler, gracious and gentler way of life. What helps me and perhaps will help you remember too, are the little things. The smile of a child, the beautiful flower, the cooling breeze, the gorgeous sunrise or sunset and the simple joy of eating a juicy piece of fruit all contribute to that feeling of peace, joy and graciousness.

There´s nothing expensive or time consuming about any of those. You could be standing in line at the grocery store and acknowledge a young child. You can be driving home from work admiring the cloud formations or the fresh smell of the air after a rainfall. Try it, especially when you find yourself with your shoulders up around your earlobes, your stomach churning with anxiety or your head aching from stress.

Stop and ask: Is this how I choose to live my life? If not, choose differently, because YOU can. And that is the most exciting knowing of all.

Jan Janzen is a non-denominational minister, healer and business coach. She is the author of two books and 8 CDs for the spiritual entrepreneur. To receive Jan's complimentary ebook: 10 Secrets to Living the Life of Your Dreams, visit http://www.janjanzendaily.com/